Kickstart my Heart avec Gérard Cagna, chéf étoilé et engagé

Son chapeau d’aventurier, ses histoires rocambolesques et ses combats : tout respire l’engagement et l’appétit féroce de vie chez Gérard Cagna. A plus de 70 ans, ce grand chef étoilé semble avoir milles vies derrière et devant lui. Rappelez-vous récemment de son manifeste « Touche pas à mon commis » qui avait levé l’omerta sur les violences subies dans les cuisines des grands restaurants).

C’est cet investissement total et infatigable au service de grandes causes, son refus des injustices qui m’a donné l’envie de poser quelques questions à ce chef-poète-philosophe.

Cyrielle Hariel

Cyrielle Hariel is an impact journalist, author, and speaker committed to sustainable development and corporate social responsibility. For nearly a decade, she has dedicated herself to highlighting initiatives that shape a more responsible world.

Her diverse media background includes chronicles on Ushuaia TV and Europe 1, where she focuses on showcasing inspiring individuals and sustainable initiatives. Additionally, she is the author of three books, including her first as the main author, which details how the discovery of her heart condition transformed her into an impact journalist.

As the host of "Objectif Raison d'être," the first show dedicated to CSR issues on BFM Business for four years, Cyrielle has interviewed numerous leaders and entrepreneurs engaged in ecological transition. Her expertise extends through her published works and her participation in TEDx conferences and major sustainability events.

Today, Cyrielle continues her commitment through conferences, podcasts, and audiovisual projects, always guided by her mission to promote a more sustainable and responsible future. Her current projects are deeply connected to the ocean, sharks, and scuba diving.

Kickstart my Heart avec André Abreu de TARA Expéditions